Axeptio – Cookie Consent Management Tool – Lifetime Deal




Win More Businesses offering the cookies Your Visitors Want. Stay Compliant with the Privacy Laws and Earn the Trust your businesses deserve!

With Axeptio, you can collect user consent in a few seconds by informing them about your website cookies in a fun way.


  • Easily integrate into any TMS such as Google Tag Manager
  • Set up personalized visuals, specific CTAs, etc.
  • Alternative to: Cookiebot, TrustArc
  • Must-have for E-commerce Stores, Blogs, Websites, Online businesses

In less than 5 minutes, you are gonna get the widget loaded on your website(s) & app(s) with Axeptio.

Just type the URL of your website & create your user path using the built-in setup. Then add your cookies (FB pixel, Google, Tracking Code, etc.) and hit Publish, and all your visitors can toggle On/OFF the cookies they wish for you to have access to.

With Axeptio, you can create eye-catchy widgets with specific CTAs, micro animations, and various types of consent – depending on the information you are collecting. Most importantly, you can customize all your widgets to match your brand.

You can easily set up the widgets with ready-to-use editorials & pre-configured cookies and these synchronize into any TMS (Tag Management System) such as Google Tag Manager.

Your website visitors will be able to let you know if they agree to your use of cookies, express their choices, opt-in or opt-out to your newsletter or even track their preferences (e.g. age, location, etc.)

The more informed the visitor is, the better your conversion rates!

Axeptio’s widgets work seamlessly across all technologies, popular CMS, and even SDKs.

With Axeptio, you will have full control of storing, securing, and tracking consent data which helps you build a better customer profile.


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As always, we only post deals that we’re truly passionate about or that makes a great first impression — All other LTDs are published on our site.

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Price: $59

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