– Project Management Tool for Agencies and Clients



Country: United States

SEO Traffic: 29 /month

MRR (USD$): 55

DA :16

What is is the best way to manage client projects in your agency because it is smarter, easier, and more efficient than other solutions on the market. centralizes all of the information related to projects, client requests, tasks, messages, invoices, and files into one window. Having as part of your agency will allow you to stop running in circles with your team and clients, and finally feel like you have control over everything


Project communication organizes projects into shared conversations so everyone’s always on the same page.

Assignments & roles

Assign owners to conversations, and invite your team members to follow every update.

Internal-only messages

Send messages, helpful notes, or discuss important topics only you and other members on your team will see.

Custom fields

Create custom fields to include additional important information tied to a project.

Activity log

Know who’s done what and when, without having to ask anyone on your team.


Get notifications wherever you and your team communicate. Stay on top of deadlines, meetings, and more.

Shared client notes

Privately give your team a heads up on what to expect from certain clients.

Location tracking

See where your clients are located so you don’t ping them at 2 am.

Delivery status

Know when clients open and read every message you send.

Email notifications

Get an instant update in your inbox when someone sends a message, submits a payment, or accepts a price quote.

Email replies

Need to reply on the go? Do it directly from your inbox. makes sure your messages sync with the right projects.

Saved replies

Give your fingers a break from typing the same replies over and over. Use your saved ones instead.


Mention team members and work together on client projects.

Star messages

Star important messages and find them later with just one click.

See who’s online

Know when your clients are active in to reach them at the right time.

Attachment previews

View previews of PDFs, documents, and design files attached to every message.


Share links to projects with your team and clients in Slack, email or


Prep a message ahead of time, or get back to it later. will autosave as you type.

Email signatures

Add a little personal touch to your messages with your profile picture, name, job title or favorite ice cream flavor.

Slick searching

Find what you’re looking for fast and easy with search scopes, operators and filters.

Due dates

Let everyone know when projects are due so deadlines are never missed.

Large attachments

Attach files up to 1GB to any outgoing messages or internal notes.


Add bold, italics, lists and images, and anything else to format your messages.

User-friendly interface

We designed to look and feel like the apps you use every day. So when you’re logged in, there’s nothing new to it.


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Receive and reply to projects in one spot

Sync your website’s contact form with Kitchen and collect new client requests.

Discuss project details with your team and clients

Connect with everyone involved and make sure there’s no confusion.

Negotiate terms and send price quotes

Discuss price terms, then quickly send price quotes that get approved.


This deal provides lifetime access to Up to 3 integrations for $0 only lifetime pricing plans

If you use my link, we will get a small percentage fee, which doesn’t cost anything extra but helps us to curate useful deals for you.

As always, we only post deals that we’re truly passionate about or that makes a great first impression — All other LTDs are published on our site.

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