SEOPress – The most affordable WordPress SEO plugin.



Country: United States

SEO Traffic: 96 /month

MRR (USD$): 528

What is SEOPress?

  • Best WordPress SEO plugin SEOPress makes WordPress SEO-friendly.
  • Although it is a lightweight SEO tool, it is up against established competitors such as Yoast, The SEO Framework, Rankmath, and All in One SEO Pack.
  • SEOPress Plugin is a powerful tool that can help you optimize your WordPress site for better
  • search engine ranking. It provides a range of features for every important aspect of SEO, fromkeyword research to site speed optimization.
  • With SEOPress Plugin, you can get the most out
  • of your WordPress site for improved search engine visibility and higher traffic levels.
  • SEOPress Plugin is a powerful tool that can help you optimize your WordPress site for better search engine ranking.
  • It provides a range of features for every important aspect of SEO, from keyword research to site speed optimization.
  • SEOPress Plugin helps you to get the most out of your WordPress site for improved search engine visibility and higher traffic levels.
  • SEOPress Plugin can also be used on all of your WordPress site pages and posts, making it easier to customize settings for increased SEO power.


  • The best SEO Plugins can help you to improve your organic traffic.
  • EO plugins will help you to write in an SEO-friendly manner, and provide you with warnings to make sure that your website is optimized for search engines.
  • You can find a lot of SEO plugins that are good to use.
  • Nevertheless, a few of them keep popping up in conversations. Although Yoast SEO is the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress, there is an ongoing debate about whether it is the best.
  • The WordPress SEO space has been abuzz recently with a newcomer.
  • The newcomer in question is called SEOPress, and this plugin is often described as being the most simple, powerful, and SEO-friendly.


  • Currently, my opinion is that SEOPress is the best plugin for WordPress SEO.
  • SEOPress is a powerful SEO plugin that will help you to boost site traffic, create HTML and XML Sitemaps, optimize breadcrumbs, add schemas / Google Structured Data Types, manage 301 redirects, and much more.
  • This plugin is absolutely bursting with features and options. For all what it has to offer, SEOPress Pro is really worth the money.
  • Alternatives to Yoast,Semrush,Squirrly,Surfer,SE Ranking,Ahrefs,Act-On and Similarweb


You use the Block Editor (Gutenberg)?

Use SEOPress to leverage all your business opportunities.

Google & Bing Instant Indexing

Get your post content indexed super fast with Google Indexing API and IndexNow API (Bing / Yandex).

Page builders integration

SEOPress is the only WordPress SEO plugin integrated with all themes and page builders.

SEO Title & Meta Tags

Update TITLE tags and META Description in WordPress. Setup custom meta robots and more.

Social Media

Optimize the sharing of your content on social networks to increase your conversions.

Content Analysis

Write optimized content for search engines thanks to our content analysis tool.

Image SEO

Optimize automatically your images for better SEO. Get more traffic from Google Images.

White Label

Add your own branding to SEOPress. Ideal for Agencies


This deal provides lifetime access Premium SEO features to increase your rankings. Unlimited sites. for $49only

SEOPress lifetime deal pricing plans

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Price: $49

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